Our goal is to help further excellence of surgical in Trauma and Orthopaedics training for all. We want to provide all our surgical trainees with the tools to help become the best surgeon possible!
Find resources here to help prepare you for your life as an Orthopaedic surgeon once raining is finished including FRCS preparation and becoming the best specialist you could be.
How to Join BOTA
Membership with BOA includes a membership to BOTA included for free.
Membership of both organisations allows you to take part in a range of opportunities and events including both the BOA Congress and BOTA Congress separately as well as the yearly UKITE exam.
However, you can join BOTA alone, by paying just £30 a year by completing our standing order form
Currently similar to Core Surgicla Training, Higher Surgical Training is managed on the Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme website. The bane of any trainees life as you document all the assessments, reflections and achievements which ultimately make up you surigcal portfolio!
The latest curriculum was updated in August 2021.
Check it out the full details and what it means for you on the ISCP website!
The Fellowship of Royal College of Surgeons (Trauma &Orthopaedics) is hopefully the last big examination you will have to do in your surgical career! Knowing that doesnt make preparation any easier however should give you the light at the end tunnel once you hit pass your ST6 annual review!
The first step is finding out when the next exam is and how to book it!
The JCIE website is where to find all the key information including the current exam syllabus.
JCIE Information
Preparation is key and knowledge of what is going to be examined and how to deal with questions is vital to success. Book a course, find your books and definitely use all the resources available to help you!
Getting Involved in BOTA
Our Regional Representatives are present in every single deanery in the UK and are there to help you!
They are elected locally within each rotation and we always want the most involved and active registrars to be involved in helping us here at BOTA represent your views on all things regarding training
Check our Regional Rep page to find out who represents you!
We vote for our new full BOTA committee at our yearly Congress. If you are interested in a conmittee position, feel free to get involved in an area you would be interested in!.