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Theophilus Asumu


North West (North West)

Surgery in general and Trauma and Orthopaedics in particular suffers from a lack of diversity at all levels. The Royal Colleges have recognised this and T&O have focussed on this in the more recent years.

While we as a profession have a bit of a way to go to improve equity and inclusion especially in more senior positions, the new role of Culture & Diversity Champion will provide a more formal framework to pursue this important goal.

I am passionate about this and I am already involved in diversity initiatives in my Trust with projects such as “widening participation” (pre medical school entry), “removing the barriers” and “diverse recruitment panels”. I recognise that equity and inclusivity are somewhat more difficult to address.

As part of a dedicated team, supported by the BOA and BOTA, I hope to contribute to the overall programme and start the journey to improved representation in Trauma and Orthopaedic surgery. I am also looking to learn from my peers nationally and bring back such knowledge to put into practice locally.

Theophilus Asumu
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