Kimberley Shuttlewood
South West (Peninsula)
As a female, BAME, mother of two and LTFT, I have witnessed and experienced challenges, firsthand, to do with feeling under-represented or misunderstood. These can hinder and damage one’s progression, prevent excelling, and affect trainees well-being which is unacceptable today.
We live in a society rich in diversity of gender, race, religion and sexuality which is reflected in our peers, colleagues and fellow trainees. We must champion and advocate this diversity to improve our journey and make Trauma and Orthopaedics the culturally representative and inclusive specialty that I know it can be. To achieve this we need to provide a voice for any trainee that feels under-represented and as champion I will offer that advocacy for our trainees in order to change the conversations we have between us and to help them excel. I am also excited to work with dynamic, like-minded individuals who are as driven as I am to do this for our specialty.
As a specialty it is so important to be able to support our colleagues, providing an environment of respect, safety, advocacy and ultimately allow them to flourish and in doing so drive the change towards an engaged, happy and ever evolving world of Orthopaedics.