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Alison Kinghorn
Alison is the BMA Representative for the BOTA Committee, following on from holding the Wales Representative position in 2018-19. She is an ST6 in the Wales Deanery, currently working in the Newport area.
As BMA Rep, she attends meetings of the relevant BMA subcommittees, making sure the views of orthopaedic trainees are represented in this wider forum. In addition, she assists with many of the general BOTA committee projects including event organisation (congress and summer school), prizes and awards, campaigns etc.If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact her on or find her on Twitter @BotaBma
Role Responsibilities
The Junior Doctors Committee (JDC) stands up for the rights of all Junior Doctors on training, education and contractual issues. The role of the BMA rep is to ensure that the voice and needs of the Orthopaedic trainee are heard and taken into account when decisions about Junior Doctors are being made.