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Upper Limb Cadaveric Dissection Course
Michael Eames MD FRCS (Tr and Orth)
Saturday, 12 March 2022
Sunday, 13 March 2022
Orthopaedic and Plastic Surgical Trainees with an interest in Upper Limb Surgery or preparing for the exit exam
Belfast, Northern Ireland
This course is designed to cover surgical anatomy of the upper limb using fresh frozen cadavers. We will cover surgical approaches and exposures as welll as orthopaedic and trauma procedufres with the use of internal fixation devices and arthroscopic anatomy. Plasctic flaps and tendon procedures will also be covered.
There will be a maximum of 3 trainees per limb wioth a ratio of 1:3 demonstrators to candidates. Demonstrators will all bve experienced consultant Plastic and Orthopaedic surgeons.