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Basic Science in Practice Course

Mr Rishi Dhir

Saturday, 7 September 2024


Sunday, 8 September 2024

Basic Science in Practice Course


Any registrars (ST3-ST8 or non-trainees) who are pre-exam / Online



Aperture building, Chandlers Avenue, North Greenwich London SE10 0BE

This two-day course delivered by Dr Rishi will demystify basic science and teach it the way that it is examined with the entire syllabus linked to clinical scenarios.  What makes it so special?  When conceiving the idea for this course I always thought of the word “ Basic science” and that is exactly how it should be taught, rather than falling into the trap of making it so complex. In preparation for the course, you will receive six months access to the ground-breaking on demand basic science videos, giving a comprehensive run through the entire syllabus with key buzz words and structure of how to deliver every answer.  

The course itself will then take these concepts and put them into practice, teaching you how to apply this knowledge, in the exact fashion that it is examined. My secret to being so good at basic science has always been to link it to clinical scenarios and I will teach you this on the course so that you can retain this knowledge long term and use it practically.  

Course delivery: Central London venue (face-to-face) and online (for those who cannot attend in person)*1n8oxua*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_sq2BhCUARIsAIVqmQtO77QVCK-uFPjJhP0DZ4clNXRXoeLKjYY7d14N0SLYV4f98vWANCwaAooUEALw_wcB

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